Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Content Marketing Idea for Gatorade- Erma Baig

Content Marketing Idea for Gatorade

 Looking at Gatorade's presence on various social media platforms it seems that Gatorade is the weakest on their YouTube channel as compared to the company’s official Facebook and Twitter pages. I will be presenting a content marketing campaign that will be a featured on Gatorade’s YouTube channel. It will be a 4 part series that will showcase a bar tender and one different sports icon in every episode. Each episode will feature one adult drink recipe with Gatorade being the primary ingredient in these adult drinks; the sports personality will work with the bar tender and both will make a great tasting drink together. An example of the type of recipe featured would be a drink called “The North” which has Blue Gatorade, Blue Hawaiian Punch, Vodka, and Sprite.  The target audience will be individuals from the age of 18 to 30+ years of age. These 4 part series will show that consumer that Gatorade can not only be used while being active, but as well as in social events such as parties and get together. The goal of this campaign would be to bring in a demographic that chooses to drink energy drinks at social events rather than drink them while being active.

This sort of demographic would typically go towards choosing red bull to incorporate in their adult drinks. By showing quick drink recipes our target market will be encouraged to try those drinks and incorporate Gatorade in their social events. After the launch of the first episode we are hoping to gain at least 2000 to 4000 more followers on Gatorade's official YouTube channel. The hash tag DrinkofChampions will be used on Gatorade’s other official social media platforms to further promote the series; every post posted on Instagram, twitter and Facebook will have the hash tag #DrinkofChampions. Once viewers click on the hash tag the promotional event page the series would be described in further details. Since the drinks are featuring summer drink recipes. The #DrinkofChampions series will be launched during summer approximately in late June. 

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