Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Rockstar Energy Drink vs AMP Energy: YouTube Presence

Rockstar Energy Drink vs AMP Energy: YouTube Presence

Rockstar Energy Drink:

Total Subscribers:
Total Channel Views:
Most Views on a single video:
Average # of Views
Average # of Likes:
Average # of Dislikes:
# of Links to other Social Media Sites

Just like the other social media platforms, Facebook & Twitter, Rockstar Energy is consistent when uploading their content onto YouTube. The content is uploaded at least once a week, sometime twice, with 30 seconds to four minutes in duration. The content consist of behind the scenes and promo videos for sporting events that Rockstar Energy has sponsored. In the “About” section of the channel, there is a small description of Rockstar Energy, along with links to other Social Media platforms Rockstar is on including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Most Popular Recent Video:

  • Views: 9,315
  • Likes: 95
  • Dislikes: 0
  • Comments: 1

From the more recent post, this video of professional skier Sammy Carlson was the most popular. The video hit 9,315 views. The popularity of this video is likely due to the fact that Rockstar Energy is known to sponsor different sports and different athletes. So when the video was uploaded it is likely that the video was shared on Rockstar Energy’s Facebook page and Twitter page. Also Sammy Carlson has a pretty good following on Twitter, 18,300 followers, I am pretty sure he retweet this video to share to his followers as well. 

AMP Energy Drink:

Total Subscribers:
Total Channel Views:
Most Views on a single video:
Average # of Views
Average # of Likes:
Average # of Dislikes:
# of Links to other Social Media Sites

Comparing AMP Energy’s YouTube channel to Rockstar Energy’s channel is not fair for Rockstar Energy. AMP Energy has not uploaded a video to their channel since August 12, 2014. Prior to that date it looks like AMP Energy would go 5 months some time longer without uploading a video. The video content would consist of ads, and sponsorship videos. In the “About” section of the channel, there are just links to other social media platforms that AMP Energy is on. AMP Energy didn’t bother posting a description of the brand. 

Most Recent Popular Video:

  • Views: 922,239
  • Likes: 193
  • Dislikes: 22
  • Comments: 47
Although AMP Energy has not uploaded a video to their channel in over a year, the last video that they posted happens to have the most views. The video is creative and funny, and because of that the video was a hit. Another reason the video may have a lot of views is because it was the last video uploaded to the channel, so when people come across the AMP Energy channel it’s the first video that they will see. 

Final Thoughts:

Rockstar Energy clearly has the better presence on the YouTube platform. I understand that making a video is a longer process then just posting something on Facebook or sending out a tweet, but YouTube is another major platform to use in the Social Network to reach out to your consumers. I do believe AMP Energy would be successful if they were frequent with their YouTube channel, and posted videos with the same creativity like the older videos on their channel. 

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